
Thank you for being a man of God, giving great advice, instruction, wisdom, and always encouraging me in the Word of God. As well as showing and teaching me that Living Fit is possible.
Kim Smith

I pray you and Sister Karen are doing well and celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior! Thanks for all of your help, prayers, and encouragement on my journey to good health."
Dr. Jerry Powell

James is the best trainer!!!
Candice Apple

47lbs gone! Blood pressure like a twenty-year-old. 18.7% body fat gone. But most importantly, MY HEALTH RESTORED! All since Dec. 31st. No pills, no diets, no fads, no keto, no surgery, no shade. Just good old fashioned time-tested nutrition and exercise mixed with vision and commitment! Plus two amazing coaches James Roberts and Karen Roberts and the support of my village. 'There’s a million ways to lose weight but only one way to be healthy.' (James Roberts)"

I would like to encourage people to know that there are some things that you just don't have to do by yourself. There are people in the church that God has given them the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to help us. James and Sister Karen are a tremendous blessing, so you don't have to go and reinvent the wheel, so to speak. There are people in the body that are designed to help us in all those areas, and James and Karen have that area of the physical and nutrition covered. They have done all the work; the knowledge they're like walking computers, so to speak because they know all this information about what vegetable does what to help you, and so you don't have to go on and struggle. Call Living Fit!"

I would not have considered myself overweight, but now that I’m about 50 lbs lighter, the biggest thing for me has been the clarity of thought and feeling well. To great for the good, and so when people ask me about it or, you know, they inquire about it. I get excited about it, and I share with them, and I also, you know, recommend Living Fit to them so that they have an opportunity to sit down and talk with and consult with James and Karen so folks can hear for themselves. Everybody might not go hard at it like I did, but everybody has an opportunity to make the decision because this is definitely a personal choice, and every person has got to make that decision for themselves.
Dr. Jessalyn Peterkin